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Augmented reality overlays digital content and information onto the physical world — as if they’re actually there with you, in your own space. AR opens up new ways for your devices to be helpful throughout your day by letting you search things visually, simply by pointing your camera at them and virtual objects or immersive content are overimposed on top of your real world.


Marketing and Sales Tool

Let your customers engage & visualize the product without the need to move the physical product. Convey the accurate visuals, best fit, dimensions via AR.

Quick Trouble shooting tool

Serves as an interactive service manual for the customers, enabling them to setup or troubleshoot a product more easily within a short time.

Realtime Factory AR Fee

Visualize the real time plant or factory data showing the state of various units and feedback of the same in realtime.

AR Integration to Website

AR integrated to your website enables quick product experience at one place, cutting down need to download any apps.

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